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Monday Manifestation
Words of love and light for entering a new week with clarity, high vibes, and a positive attitude

Take Back Your Power
Life, work, success, challenges, opportunities, creative spins and ruts - they all move quickly. Ebbs and flows are the name of this game.
It’s so easy to feel as though we’ve lost control, as though we’re spinning.
Before deep diving into another whirlwind week, start by closing your eyes for five minutes, quietly breathing into balance and back to the central goals.
Ground. You’re in control. The moves and decisions are yours to make.
Proceed, rooted in your power.
It’s so easy to feel as though we’ve lost control, as though we’re spinning.
Before deep diving into another whirlwind week, start by closing your eyes for five minutes, quietly breathing into balance and back to the central goals.
Ground. You’re in control. The moves and decisions are yours to make.
Proceed, rooted in your power.

Finding Your Footing
Looking to recenter quickly (or help your littles to do so)? No matter where in the world you are, even if it's inside your own head, take your day old bread and go feed the birds.
This is one of the easiest and most attainable grounding techniques I practice and always recommend to friends. I encourage you to try it and see how you feel afterwards.
Spoiler Alert: grounded, connected, balanced, calm, rejuvenated
This is one of the easiest and most attainable grounding techniques I practice and always recommend to friends. I encourage you to try it and see how you feel afterwards.
Spoiler Alert: grounded, connected, balanced, calm, rejuvenated

2024 Word of The Year
It's a New Year, providing us all with a clean slate, a fresh start, a new beginning. However you want to describe it!
I believe deeply and wholeheartedly in intention setting, mindful living, and a genuine commitment to perspective. I (respectfully) don’t believe in resolutions. Way too much pressure.
A new year doesn’t always have to mean a ‘new you.’ Again - so much pressure. Sometimes it means opportunity for growth, new beginnings, a breath of fresh air, and setting the tone for the year you want to work towards. Which sounds way more refreshing to me. That’s why I love this practice.
My word for 2024 is NOURISH. To me, this represents..
A focus on earning and embracing what's mine and meant for me with gratitude, grace, and grit.
Lovingly accepting and releasing all which no longer serves or support my greater purpose, perspective, or plans. And a deeper connection with that, both old and new, which does.
Commitment to an unwavering trust in my gut intuition, thriving through boundary driven choices and surroundings, and devotion to passion, growth, and abundance.
Whatever your practice may be, Happiest New Year! I am so grateful that you continue to explore this journey with me.
I believe deeply and wholeheartedly in intention setting, mindful living, and a genuine commitment to perspective. I (respectfully) don’t believe in resolutions. Way too much pressure.
A new year doesn’t always have to mean a ‘new you.’ Again - so much pressure. Sometimes it means opportunity for growth, new beginnings, a breath of fresh air, and setting the tone for the year you want to work towards. Which sounds way more refreshing to me. That’s why I love this practice.
My word for 2024 is NOURISH. To me, this represents..
A focus on earning and embracing what's mine and meant for me with gratitude, grace, and grit.
Lovingly accepting and releasing all which no longer serves or support my greater purpose, perspective, or plans. And a deeper connection with that, both old and new, which does.
Commitment to an unwavering trust in my gut intuition, thriving through boundary driven choices and surroundings, and devotion to passion, growth, and abundance.
Whatever your practice may be, Happiest New Year! I am so grateful that you continue to explore this journey with me.

1/11 Portal
I don't know about all of you, but I saw 1111 sequences just about everywhere I went today. From the clock, to the cash register, to the radio station, it seemed to be following me. Which makes sense. Because today is the 11/1 Portal AND the Capricorn New Moon (the first New Moon of 2024). Let's talk about what this all means...
11:11, 1/11 Portal, 1/11/2024 = 11
& the Capricorn New Moon. . .
- New beginnings
- New opportunities
- Connect to desires
- Release fears
- Clean slates, fresh starts
- Big picture visualization
- Bew phase for personal growth
- New chapters are available
- It’s time to make big decisions
- Manifest and take career action
- Persistence and patience are key
- This is an invitation to try again
- Very powerful twin flame/soul contract energy
- Everything now is leading to a higher purpose
- Do more of what you love, less of what drains you
11:11, 1/11 Portal, 1/11/2024 = 11
& the Capricorn New Moon. . .
- New beginnings
- New opportunities
- Connect to desires
- Release fears
- Clean slates, fresh starts
- Big picture visualization
- Bew phase for personal growth
- New chapters are available
- It’s time to make big decisions
- Manifest and take career action
- Persistence and patience are key
- This is an invitation to try again
- Very powerful twin flame/soul contract energy
- Everything now is leading to a higher purpose
- Do more of what you love, less of what drains you

Look Panic In The Eye
Anxiety can be completely draining. I strive to remain present, but the state of the world constantly has me in some state of worry, afraid for the future for our babies. However, panic doesn’t solve anything and is incredibly detrimental to our overall, long-term health. We can’t pour from an empty cup, and we’re stronger in solidarity. That being said, I want to share a few of my quick, go-to practices if you’re experiencing panic, and other similar emotions. These are not a cure all, but they certainly support a need for balance and calm. I hope they bring you some of the energy you seek.
Grounding & Connection to Nature: Walk barefoot or sit in the grass/sand/smooth pavement. Observe the safe connection of your feet to the earth in this moment and the sounds of whatever nature surrounds you, even if it’s the sound of silence.
Meditatation & Vitamin D: Sit in the sun for a few minutes a few times throughout the day. Close your eyes and just feel the warmth on your skin.
Breathe: Inhale deeply for 3 seconds and exhale slowly for 6 for 2-3 minutes.
Tea Time: Take a moment. Find my 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑇𝑒𝑎 recipe on the blog. Add ginger for more digestive support.
Journaling: I know this sounds like a chore for many, but just jotting down 2-3 mantras for your day and setting intention is powerful. You can even do it in your phone.
Reiki Healing: I am a Reiki II practitioner. Contact me if you want to schedule a healing session. It doesn’t matter where in the world you’re located. I'm always here to provide as much guidance and support as you are called to receive.
Grounding & Connection to Nature: Walk barefoot or sit in the grass/sand/smooth pavement. Observe the safe connection of your feet to the earth in this moment and the sounds of whatever nature surrounds you, even if it’s the sound of silence.
Meditatation & Vitamin D: Sit in the sun for a few minutes a few times throughout the day. Close your eyes and just feel the warmth on your skin.
Breathe: Inhale deeply for 3 seconds and exhale slowly for 6 for 2-3 minutes.
Tea Time: Take a moment. Find my 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑇𝑒𝑎 recipe on the blog. Add ginger for more digestive support.
Journaling: I know this sounds like a chore for many, but just jotting down 2-3 mantras for your day and setting intention is powerful. You can even do it in your phone.
Reiki Healing: I am a Reiki II practitioner. Contact me if you want to schedule a healing session. It doesn’t matter where in the world you’re located. I'm always here to provide as much guidance and support as you are called to receive.

Beneath the Surface
This week I want to sure a loving message, and a very powerful reminder for us all, that even when you can’t see it, the universe is working it’s magic beneath the surface, preparing for those moments when bright, beautiful, bold things are going to emerge unexpectedly and claim their destined place in your life.
This journey is full of twists and turns, and I’m so grateful it continues to push us to forge our own unique paths. So long as we do the inner work, remain grounded and strong in our manifestations, and stay true to our passions and higher purpose, I trust the universe and our angel guides will continue to guide each of us accordingly.
Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers each day, loves. Messages and signs are all around you. The key is opening your eyes, heart, and mind to receiving them.
This journey is full of twists and turns, and I’m so grateful it continues to push us to forge our own unique paths. So long as we do the inner work, remain grounded and strong in our manifestations, and stay true to our passions and higher purpose, I trust the universe and our angel guides will continue to guide each of us accordingly.
Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers each day, loves. Messages and signs are all around you. The key is opening your eyes, heart, and mind to receiving them.

Come Into Your Own
I’ve continued to come into my own so much more steadfastly since filming The Julia Child Challenge. As a woman, mother, home chef, and creative I feel stronger, more confident, and more excited than ever about my authenticity. I knew there was strong purpose behind why I was guided to declare this my 2022 word.
Professionally, I realize with more clarity than ever my value and potential, and that my persistence and work ethic is an unparalleled driving force in the pursuit of my passions. Even in my fails and moments of doubt, my imposter syndrome no longer sits up front as I take the wheel. It’s in the far back seat…it may even be clinging to the the bumper. I continue to connect with amazing people who support and get me.
I continue to feel rooted in my belief that the universe will support what you manifest and open yourself up to, and in time I have every intention of building out my Reiki practice so I can help to guide others along their own journeys.
I don’t know if it was being so immersed in Julia’s essence, that it was my first opportunity to be casted in a major network food series, or the journey as a whole, but I’m here for this growth. I’m present, enlightened, and positive this is what I’m supposed to be doing. And damn, it feels good. Full steam ahead, no settling.
Let’s get to work, loves. We are worthy.
Professionally, I realize with more clarity than ever my value and potential, and that my persistence and work ethic is an unparalleled driving force in the pursuit of my passions. Even in my fails and moments of doubt, my imposter syndrome no longer sits up front as I take the wheel. It’s in the far back seat…it may even be clinging to the the bumper. I continue to connect with amazing people who support and get me.
I continue to feel rooted in my belief that the universe will support what you manifest and open yourself up to, and in time I have every intention of building out my Reiki practice so I can help to guide others along their own journeys.
I don’t know if it was being so immersed in Julia’s essence, that it was my first opportunity to be casted in a major network food series, or the journey as a whole, but I’m here for this growth. I’m present, enlightened, and positive this is what I’m supposed to be doing. And damn, it feels good. Full steam ahead, no settling.
Let’s get to work, loves. We are worthy.

Instead of Sweating It, Break a Sweat
Elle Woods said it best: “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!”
Instead of sweating the unhealthy small stuff this week, let’s make conscious attempts to break a healthy sweat.
Whenever something is frustrating, stressful, or makes me feel anxious, there are few things that a workout and a few natural healers can’t do to clear my mind, reset my sense of clarity, and help prevent any heat of the moment emotional responses.
Fresh air, moving our bodies, and sunlight are all powerful natural healers. In addition to the amazing gift of being able to move our bodies, pumping our endorphins, AKA the feel-good chemical in our brains, and sweating out toxins, allows us to release mental, physical, and spiritual contamination that can really mess with our bodies, minds, and sense of balance and centeredness.
This week, make at least one or two attempts to be present in whatever kind of movement makes you feel free, strong, and powerful. It doesn’t have to be high intensity or extra time-consuming. Take a swift walk solo or with your human or fur baby, go outside and do 20 minutes of cardio intervals or take a jog, play hide and seek with your kids, clean your apartment and burn sage to cleanse the air. The point is, breaking a powerful sweat can be really helpful when it comes to not sweating the small stuff.
This week, take your power back: pump joy into your brain, get in touch with your breath, and release the things that are out of your control. Embrace your flow.
Instead of sweating the unhealthy small stuff this week, let’s make conscious attempts to break a healthy sweat.
Whenever something is frustrating, stressful, or makes me feel anxious, there are few things that a workout and a few natural healers can’t do to clear my mind, reset my sense of clarity, and help prevent any heat of the moment emotional responses.
Fresh air, moving our bodies, and sunlight are all powerful natural healers. In addition to the amazing gift of being able to move our bodies, pumping our endorphins, AKA the feel-good chemical in our brains, and sweating out toxins, allows us to release mental, physical, and spiritual contamination that can really mess with our bodies, minds, and sense of balance and centeredness.
This week, make at least one or two attempts to be present in whatever kind of movement makes you feel free, strong, and powerful. It doesn’t have to be high intensity or extra time-consuming. Take a swift walk solo or with your human or fur baby, go outside and do 20 minutes of cardio intervals or take a jog, play hide and seek with your kids, clean your apartment and burn sage to cleanse the air. The point is, breaking a powerful sweat can be really helpful when it comes to not sweating the small stuff.
This week, take your power back: pump joy into your brain, get in touch with your breath, and release the things that are out of your control. Embrace your flow.

Actively Shifting: Journaling & Intention Setting
Journaling to establish your intentions truly has the potential to transform your life. This practice requires just a few minutes each day.
This practice aids in organizing your thoughts, setting goals, and coming to realizations about what you’re feeling and experiencing by sorting things out on paper. You don’t need to write a novel every single day. Sometimes you may not even feel like you have anything to say, but this too may be worth noting. Journaling aids as a guide to exploring and digging deeper into your feelings, experiences, joy and pain, and may lead you to many self-discoveries.
By spending a few minutes in the morning setting your intentions for the day, what you will strive to manifest, and what you will aim to release, you can shift from thinking or saying you’re going to do something, to actually doing it. This is one beautiful and therapeutic way to begin speaking your destiny, dreams, and goals into existence.
Intent: Speak it. Live it. Mean it.
This practice aids in organizing your thoughts, setting goals, and coming to realizations about what you’re feeling and experiencing by sorting things out on paper. You don’t need to write a novel every single day. Sometimes you may not even feel like you have anything to say, but this too may be worth noting. Journaling aids as a guide to exploring and digging deeper into your feelings, experiences, joy and pain, and may lead you to many self-discoveries.
By spending a few minutes in the morning setting your intentions for the day, what you will strive to manifest, and what you will aim to release, you can shift from thinking or saying you’re going to do something, to actually doing it. This is one beautiful and therapeutic way to begin speaking your destiny, dreams, and goals into existence.
Intent: Speak it. Live it. Mean it.

Setting 2022 Intentions & Defining Your Word of the Year
Happy New Year, sweet friends.
I do not believe in resolutions. In fact, I loathe them. There’s way too much pressure involved to reach maximum success and achieve our highest potential. This perspective is similar to the way lifestyle habits are generally much healthier and longer lasting than crash diets.
This is the reason I practice 𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 for the New Year - and a much more peaceful tone, in my opinion - for the type of year that makes me feel 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 about thriving and striving. We are gifted this life to embrace living, not to dread the precious days ahead in fear of failure or defeat.
Each year, I mark a new chapter in my manifestation journal. Then, the first thing I do is list my 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 and a 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟. It starts things out on an inspiring, positive, motivational note. It’s like creating a road paved with love and enlightenment to guide your journey. And if you ever feel lost, you can just come back to this home base to rebalance and gain some clarity. I highly recommend this practice.
Rather than feeling pressured, depleted, or fearful, I’m feeling eager, excited, and driven. What’s your 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 2022? Mine is 𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦. Being an empath, I always choose to keep my intentions private so that outside energy is less likely to disrupt mine. Wishing you all the happiest, healthiest, most fulfilling year ever.
I do not believe in resolutions. In fact, I loathe them. There’s way too much pressure involved to reach maximum success and achieve our highest potential. This perspective is similar to the way lifestyle habits are generally much healthier and longer lasting than crash diets.
This is the reason I practice 𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 for the New Year - and a much more peaceful tone, in my opinion - for the type of year that makes me feel 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 about thriving and striving. We are gifted this life to embrace living, not to dread the precious days ahead in fear of failure or defeat.
Each year, I mark a new chapter in my manifestation journal. Then, the first thing I do is list my 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 and a 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟. It starts things out on an inspiring, positive, motivational note. It’s like creating a road paved with love and enlightenment to guide your journey. And if you ever feel lost, you can just come back to this home base to rebalance and gain some clarity. I highly recommend this practice.
Rather than feeling pressured, depleted, or fearful, I’m feeling eager, excited, and driven. What’s your 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 2022? Mine is 𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦. Being an empath, I always choose to keep my intentions private so that outside energy is less likely to disrupt mine. Wishing you all the happiest, healthiest, most fulfilling year ever.

Daily Gratitude: A 15-Second Practice
There’s a lot of sensory, emotional, and mental overload in this busy life, especially throughout the holidays. There simply isn’t always an entire hour or two to stop and meditate or do reiki, go to the gym, or implement your practice of choice into the day. Here are some realistic and sustainable methods for supporting yourself in feeling more centered, refreshed, and focused. Don’t forget to prioritize some self-care and give yourself some grace this holiday season, because you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Below are five tips for grounding throughout the hectic day-to-day:
1. Fresh air and connection to nature
2. Movement (a quick walk or stretch is perfect)
3. Laughter
4. A proper night's sleep
5. Cooked root foots (squash, beets, potatoes, carrots, etc.)
Below are five tips for grounding throughout the hectic day-to-day:
1. Fresh air and connection to nature
2. Movement (a quick walk or stretch is perfect)
3. Laughter
4. A proper night's sleep
5. Cooked root foots (squash, beets, potatoes, carrots, etc.)

Focus on Watering Your Own Grass
Let's face it. Sometimes it would be easier to just look around and tell ourselves the grass is always greener on someone else's lawn. But what is that really doing for us? How does this serve our greater growth, plans, and purpose? It doesn't. It actually slows us down. It creates anger, toxic jealousy, frustration, and a tough-to-kick mentality of being impossible to satisfy.
Those who can never be satisfied can never, ever, ever, ever be truly happy, and will never, ever, ever, ever attain true success or fulfillment. You can have millions of dollars in the bank, the nicest homes, the perfect family, and it won't matter. Because it still won't be enough. You're too busy looking around at what everyone else has to notice what's right in front you. What a miserable way to live not just for you, but for those around you. And for what? You gain nothing but toxicity in your veins. Truly - bitterness is a breeding ground for disease.
We must not only focus on what's in front of us, but also express gratitude for the blessings we already possess. Only then do you reach the space where you can live in a state of prosperity, growth, abundance, and true and lasting fulfillment. Not only that. I guarantee that once you start shifting your perspective, focusing on watering your own grass, and counting your blessings, more blessings, success, and abundance comes your way. You are magnetic, and you are in control of what you attract from the universe.
Those who can never be satisfied can never, ever, ever, ever be truly happy, and will never, ever, ever, ever attain true success or fulfillment. You can have millions of dollars in the bank, the nicest homes, the perfect family, and it won't matter. Because it still won't be enough. You're too busy looking around at what everyone else has to notice what's right in front you. What a miserable way to live not just for you, but for those around you. And for what? You gain nothing but toxicity in your veins. Truly - bitterness is a breeding ground for disease.
We must not only focus on what's in front of us, but also express gratitude for the blessings we already possess. Only then do you reach the space where you can live in a state of prosperity, growth, abundance, and true and lasting fulfillment. Not only that. I guarantee that once you start shifting your perspective, focusing on watering your own grass, and counting your blessings, more blessings, success, and abundance comes your way. You are magnetic, and you are in control of what you attract from the universe.

Pivot Your Perspective
There is immense power in your point of view. Whether you see stepping stones or or stumbling blocks laid out before you, you're right. You hold the power. You are in control.

Allow Yourself the Space to Grow
We’re a go, go, go society. It’s so easy to become fixated on the future, the past, the “what-ifs”, the pressure and hunger for success, and the general ‘noise’ of life constantly happening everywhere around us, 24/7.
We’re seeking, yearning and longing for discovery and growth, yet at the same time, we so often hold ourselves back from doing just that because we’re in overdrive mode mentally, physically, and emotionally. We all need some space to breathe. To be. To reflect. Let’s allow ourselves some wiggle room to grow.
If you plant a seed and don’t nurture it with water, sunlight, and love, it will remain stuck and stagnant in the ground. It will never expand, never grow, never thrive, and just stay in the same place, never realizing its potential or getting a chance to see what’s out there. As the chaos of the weeds takes root and overgrows, the seed will become more and more held back from all the beautiful things that could be.
Realize that you’re better, stronger, and more deserving than that. Because you are. You deserve to build strong roots, thrive, and enjoy life as a fully formed version of yourself in the warmth and comfort of the bright and happy sun. This acknowledgement is where growth begins to happen.
Allow yourself the space to explore, go on adventures, make mistakes, fail, learn, evolve, change cycles or patterns that don’t suit you, and truly explore who you are, what you want, and what you deserve. Create space for silence and reflection, positive thoughts, self-love, gratitude, and healthy boundaries surrounded by good, pure company. Weed out toxicity and negativity.
This week, allow yourself the space to grow. To be. To thrive. Because when you grow, you glow...from the inside, out.
We’re seeking, yearning and longing for discovery and growth, yet at the same time, we so often hold ourselves back from doing just that because we’re in overdrive mode mentally, physically, and emotionally. We all need some space to breathe. To be. To reflect. Let’s allow ourselves some wiggle room to grow.
If you plant a seed and don’t nurture it with water, sunlight, and love, it will remain stuck and stagnant in the ground. It will never expand, never grow, never thrive, and just stay in the same place, never realizing its potential or getting a chance to see what’s out there. As the chaos of the weeds takes root and overgrows, the seed will become more and more held back from all the beautiful things that could be.
Realize that you’re better, stronger, and more deserving than that. Because you are. You deserve to build strong roots, thrive, and enjoy life as a fully formed version of yourself in the warmth and comfort of the bright and happy sun. This acknowledgement is where growth begins to happen.
Allow yourself the space to explore, go on adventures, make mistakes, fail, learn, evolve, change cycles or patterns that don’t suit you, and truly explore who you are, what you want, and what you deserve. Create space for silence and reflection, positive thoughts, self-love, gratitude, and healthy boundaries surrounded by good, pure company. Weed out toxicity and negativity.
This week, allow yourself the space to grow. To be. To thrive. Because when you grow, you glow...from the inside, out.

You Can Do Hard Things
You are a unique being.
Your gifts are powerful.
Your grit is powerful.
Nobody else is you, can be you, or ever will be you. There is beauty, empowerment, and motivation to discover in this truth. You possess strength, power, and potential simply by existing as the one and only you.
Embrace yourself and courage will follow. Not only can you do hard things. You can persevere, excel, and exceed the expectations and limits you’ve set for yourself.
Exhale into the world what you want to inhale and receive.
Allow yourself the space to grow.
The world needs you.
The universe supports you.
Feed your passions, fuel that fire within.
Let your grit be your stamina.
Stand up to that challenge. Stare it down. Trust your gut, conquer, and come out on top.
You're worth the risk. Because guess what? Life may get tough, but you’re tougher. If you were looking for a sign, here it is:
You can do hard things.
Your gifts are powerful.
Your grit is powerful.
Nobody else is you, can be you, or ever will be you. There is beauty, empowerment, and motivation to discover in this truth. You possess strength, power, and potential simply by existing as the one and only you.
Embrace yourself and courage will follow. Not only can you do hard things. You can persevere, excel, and exceed the expectations and limits you’ve set for yourself.
Exhale into the world what you want to inhale and receive.
Allow yourself the space to grow.
The world needs you.
The universe supports you.
Feed your passions, fuel that fire within.
Let your grit be your stamina.
Stand up to that challenge. Stare it down. Trust your gut, conquer, and come out on top.
You're worth the risk. Because guess what? Life may get tough, but you’re tougher. If you were looking for a sign, here it is:
You can do hard things.

Look How Far You've Come
Remember a while back, when you longed for some of the things you have now?
In the wonderfully unique story that is your life, give yourself permission this week to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come.
Sometimes, in our mission to achieve our definition of success, constantly racing towards that invisible finish line, we lose sight of all the beautiful blessings in our life right now that we'd once hoped and longed for.
We live in a fast-paced world. We’re so focused on what’s next, that we often fail to realize we are IN the midst of success right now.
You once dreamed about this very moment. Look at all you’ve done. The risks you’ve taken, the hardships and struggles you’ve faced, the way you’ve fought, worked, and persevered, even when it felt like you wanted to give up or turn around and go back.
Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you still want or need to go. Allow yourself to feel energized and inspired by your very own leaps and bounds. Maybe you aren’t quite where you want to go, but you’re nowhere near where you once were.
Honor your journey with some well-deserved gratitude. All of the light isn’t always waiting at the end of the tunnel. Beams of light surround us every step of the way.
Thank your past. Take pride in your journey. Appreciate the process of your progress. Have a beautiful week.
In the wonderfully unique story that is your life, give yourself permission this week to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come.
Sometimes, in our mission to achieve our definition of success, constantly racing towards that invisible finish line, we lose sight of all the beautiful blessings in our life right now that we'd once hoped and longed for.
We live in a fast-paced world. We’re so focused on what’s next, that we often fail to realize we are IN the midst of success right now.
You once dreamed about this very moment. Look at all you’ve done. The risks you’ve taken, the hardships and struggles you’ve faced, the way you’ve fought, worked, and persevered, even when it felt like you wanted to give up or turn around and go back.
Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you still want or need to go. Allow yourself to feel energized and inspired by your very own leaps and bounds. Maybe you aren’t quite where you want to go, but you’re nowhere near where you once were.
Honor your journey with some well-deserved gratitude. All of the light isn’t always waiting at the end of the tunnel. Beams of light surround us every step of the way.
Thank your past. Take pride in your journey. Appreciate the process of your progress. Have a beautiful week.

Grounding During Mercury Retrograde
Mercury is in retrograde this week, friends. Scientifically speaking, planets move from East to West around the Sun, and during this period, Mercury appears to move “backwards,” from West to East. This backward movement can, in fact, make us all feel and act a little backwards ourselves. It’s like a severe case of PMS...for the entire universe.
Things may feel a bit upside down as the normal flow of our energy is reversed, but read on to discover some simple methods that can help us remain grounded and forward moving on our manifestation journey throughout this period.
All areas of life can feel mixed up right now: our energy level and emotions, our pets behaving oddly, or travel plans getting messed up, delayed, or confused. This period impacts us on a very real level.
Some typical behaviors or feelings may include:
- Restlessness or lethargy and poor sleep
- Frustration and impatience
- As though your plans or successes have stalled or taken steps in the opposite direction
- Scatterbrained and forgetful or clumsy
- Anxiety or a feelings of dread
- Issues or people from the past randomly pop up in your consciousness (or your texts or email)
- Stuck in your thoughts and stressing or irritated
- Random crying or an outpouring of emotions
Grounding Methods Throughout This Period:
- Take a few deep breaths and a step back before reacting to situations.
- Try to be flexible and prepared to pivot if things don’t go as planned.
- Consider options during this time of open and flowing energy, but don’t make final decisions throughout this time, and don’t start something brand new.
- Be mentally prepared for situations that provoke impatience (traffic, travel mix-ups, meetings being moved around a lot, kids being fussy, technology glitches, deleting things by accident).
- Allow yourself a good cry. Maybe you need to release something that you’ve been bottling up inside, and this is the time and way to do it.
- Go for walks. Spend time in nature appreciating natural sunlight, a warm breeze, the flow of water, and the bright blue sky.
- Remember that a few steps back isn’t a fail. You may get delayed right now, but things will pick back up. Just keep doing what you do.
- Consider a social media break or reducing your scrolling time. Go within yourself to rebalance priorities and practice being more present.
- Reassess areas of your life that need honest and raw review, like your professional passions, hopes, plans, and long-term goals.
- Burn sage, wear healing crystals, take salt baths, and envision a protective white bubble of light around you, protecting you from negativity and toxicity.
- Consider journaling - write down three things you’re grateful for each morning.
- Remind yourself that this period of retrograde, while incredibly tedious, is quick. This too, shall pass.
We've got this! Sending love and light.
Things may feel a bit upside down as the normal flow of our energy is reversed, but read on to discover some simple methods that can help us remain grounded and forward moving on our manifestation journey throughout this period.
All areas of life can feel mixed up right now: our energy level and emotions, our pets behaving oddly, or travel plans getting messed up, delayed, or confused. This period impacts us on a very real level.
Some typical behaviors or feelings may include:
- Restlessness or lethargy and poor sleep
- Frustration and impatience
- As though your plans or successes have stalled or taken steps in the opposite direction
- Scatterbrained and forgetful or clumsy
- Anxiety or a feelings of dread
- Issues or people from the past randomly pop up in your consciousness (or your texts or email)
- Stuck in your thoughts and stressing or irritated
- Random crying or an outpouring of emotions
Grounding Methods Throughout This Period:
- Take a few deep breaths and a step back before reacting to situations.
- Try to be flexible and prepared to pivot if things don’t go as planned.
- Consider options during this time of open and flowing energy, but don’t make final decisions throughout this time, and don’t start something brand new.
- Be mentally prepared for situations that provoke impatience (traffic, travel mix-ups, meetings being moved around a lot, kids being fussy, technology glitches, deleting things by accident).
- Allow yourself a good cry. Maybe you need to release something that you’ve been bottling up inside, and this is the time and way to do it.
- Go for walks. Spend time in nature appreciating natural sunlight, a warm breeze, the flow of water, and the bright blue sky.
- Remember that a few steps back isn’t a fail. You may get delayed right now, but things will pick back up. Just keep doing what you do.
- Consider a social media break or reducing your scrolling time. Go within yourself to rebalance priorities and practice being more present.
- Reassess areas of your life that need honest and raw review, like your professional passions, hopes, plans, and long-term goals.
- Burn sage, wear healing crystals, take salt baths, and envision a protective white bubble of light around you, protecting you from negativity and toxicity.
- Consider journaling - write down three things you’re grateful for each morning.
- Remind yourself that this period of retrograde, while incredibly tedious, is quick. This too, shall pass.
We've got this! Sending love and light.

A Childlike Approach
Even on the most chaotic of days, the love, hope, and faith of a child awaits life like a breath of fresh air ready to woosh everything away in a wave of joy, lightness, and gratitude. In their innocence, children have a unique power to uplift us and put things in perspective. We could learn a thing or two (or a million) from these bright little humans.
Some reminders from our littles:
- Every day is a clean slate and a fresh start.
- Pause to find wonder in the little moments. They are going to be your best memories.
- Feel your feelings. Talk. Reflect. Laugh. Cry. Grow. Learn. Meditate. Heal.
- Give big hugs hello and kisses goodbye with abandon.
- Laughter is medicine and love is a gift.
- Be fearlessly curious and excited about the things that bring you joy.
- Life is too precious for grudges.
- Never stop exploring and learning.
- Don’t worry, be happy. Every little thing is gonna be alright.
Some reminders from our littles:
- Every day is a clean slate and a fresh start.
- Pause to find wonder in the little moments. They are going to be your best memories.
- Feel your feelings. Talk. Reflect. Laugh. Cry. Grow. Learn. Meditate. Heal.
- Give big hugs hello and kisses goodbye with abandon.
- Laughter is medicine and love is a gift.
- Be fearlessly curious and excited about the things that bring you joy.
- Life is too precious for grudges.
- Never stop exploring and learning.
- Don’t worry, be happy. Every little thing is gonna be alright.

Let Fear Go
Consider removing fear from the equation this week when you set your intentions.
We make so many choices in life based on fear. What we need to realize is that fear itself IS the choice. As soon as we allow fear to take the wheel and steer our decisions, we instantly begin holding ourselves back from reaching our full potential, fulfilling our destiny, earning what’s meant and deserved for us, and experiencing all the joy that is so close within our reach.
What if fear wasn’t a factor at all? Would anything else be holding you back or altering your decision? If the answer is no, then strive this week to get out of your own way by releasing fear and doubt.
Just as we have a choice to be positive or negative, kind or unkind to others, sit around sulking or get up and make a change, fear is a choice; a state of mind.
Consider the worst that could happen if you placed fear aside and forged ahead towards what you want. You fail? Ok, you can try again. You realize something isn’t for you? That’s fine, now you know and you won’t have to look back on life wondering. You realize you’ve tapped into something beneath your surface and you need answers and healing? Seek it, you deserve to be whole.
What about all of the good that can happen if you remove that blindfold created by fear? You could explore a new career you’re in love with. You could discover things you didn’t know about who you are, what you actually want, and what you deserve. You could find friendship, love and romance, an unfamiliar place you want to live or travel, or a new and exciting job, talent, and passion. You could realize for the first time in a long time that you’ve just been going through the motions instead of LIVING life, thriving, and growing. You could realize just how much happiness is right in front of you...the happiness that you deserve.
Let go of fear this week. Make way for joy, growth, and all that you want and deserve.
We make so many choices in life based on fear. What we need to realize is that fear itself IS the choice. As soon as we allow fear to take the wheel and steer our decisions, we instantly begin holding ourselves back from reaching our full potential, fulfilling our destiny, earning what’s meant and deserved for us, and experiencing all the joy that is so close within our reach.
What if fear wasn’t a factor at all? Would anything else be holding you back or altering your decision? If the answer is no, then strive this week to get out of your own way by releasing fear and doubt.
Just as we have a choice to be positive or negative, kind or unkind to others, sit around sulking or get up and make a change, fear is a choice; a state of mind.
Consider the worst that could happen if you placed fear aside and forged ahead towards what you want. You fail? Ok, you can try again. You realize something isn’t for you? That’s fine, now you know and you won’t have to look back on life wondering. You realize you’ve tapped into something beneath your surface and you need answers and healing? Seek it, you deserve to be whole.
What about all of the good that can happen if you remove that blindfold created by fear? You could explore a new career you’re in love with. You could discover things you didn’t know about who you are, what you actually want, and what you deserve. You could find friendship, love and romance, an unfamiliar place you want to live or travel, or a new and exciting job, talent, and passion. You could realize for the first time in a long time that you’ve just been going through the motions instead of LIVING life, thriving, and growing. You could realize just how much happiness is right in front of you...the happiness that you deserve.
Let go of fear this week. Make way for joy, growth, and all that you want and deserve.

Speak It Into Existence
The universe responds when it is asked to respond.
What do you want this week? Why do you want it? How are you going to make it happen? To manifest anything first requires the genuine desire to manifest it and the willingness to work for it.
State your goals and dreams with the confidence and nurturing they deserve. Write them down in a manifestation notebook and then claim them out loud, opening your heart, mind, and life to them. Speak them into existence by sharing them with determination. You are supported by the universe.
Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and what you deserve. If you believe in your potential, you’re ready to do the work, and know what’s meant for you, then it’s time to share your dreams with the universe. The longer you hide them, the longer you hold yourself back.
Tell the universe with clarity, confidence, and conviction, that you welcome these blessings into your life, and that you’re ready for it. And remember, failures are part of the journey and the process. Don’t give up, don’t back down. You know what’s meant for you.
Break down your goals, turn your wishes into steps, and transform your dream into the journey.
It’s a brand new week. Attract the people, opportunities, energy, and perspective you desire and deserve. The universe has got your back. Speak it into existence and get ready to do the work. It’s all happening!
What do you want this week? Why do you want it? How are you going to make it happen? To manifest anything first requires the genuine desire to manifest it and the willingness to work for it.
State your goals and dreams with the confidence and nurturing they deserve. Write them down in a manifestation notebook and then claim them out loud, opening your heart, mind, and life to them. Speak them into existence by sharing them with determination. You are supported by the universe.
Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and what you deserve. If you believe in your potential, you’re ready to do the work, and know what’s meant for you, then it’s time to share your dreams with the universe. The longer you hide them, the longer you hold yourself back.
Tell the universe with clarity, confidence, and conviction, that you welcome these blessings into your life, and that you’re ready for it. And remember, failures are part of the journey and the process. Don’t give up, don’t back down. You know what’s meant for you.
Break down your goals, turn your wishes into steps, and transform your dream into the journey.
It’s a brand new week. Attract the people, opportunities, energy, and perspective you desire and deserve. The universe has got your back. Speak it into existence and get ready to do the work. It’s all happening!

Female Intuition
You know that very distinctive tingling, borderline nauseous feeling you get from time to time in the pit of your stomach? It strikes at the very first second in a moment when you’re trying to make a choice or decision and seeking counsel from the universe. That, my friends, is your female intuition. This goddess is hard at work around clock to provide you with clarity, truth, and the answers you seek. Every superhero has a special power. This is ours. Your female intuition is always listening and constantly responding, and most importantly, she is always, always, ALWAYS right.
We often do ourselves a disservice and spend a great deal of time either ignoring or questioning our power here. This typically comes from a place of denial or self-doubt. Then we look back later and kick ourselves, saying “I didn’t go with my gut,” or “I almost did that but then I did this instead, I knew I should’ve followed my instincts.” It’s human nature, and often quite wise, to consider different angles, and it’s perfectly normal to make mistakes, but we must learn from them. Other times, our intuitive response feels wrong in the moment. It’s not. Even if it doesn’t make sense right now, it’s guiding you to where you are meant to be. The practice here is to remember that initial feeling, and come back to it rather than dismiss it. Because like many superheroes, the more we nurture our powers, the stronger they grow.
Whether you’re trying to decide whether to order the latte or the cappuccino, or considering the reality that a relationship in your life may no longer be serving your well-being in a healthy and constructive way, she will be there supporting and guiding you. You need not stress, you need not hesitate, you need not question her. She’s speaking to you, and you know, I know, we all know, that deep down, she is right. Next time you sense her presence, do yourself a favor and tune in. All you need to do is listen. Being a woman is already a superpower, so imagine the possibilities once you start trusting and listening to that voice inside. Like a flower emerges from the ground and blooms under the bright warm sun to become the most beautiful, whole, vibrant version of itself, you will emerge from this practice vibing high and living life to your maximum potential.
We often do ourselves a disservice and spend a great deal of time either ignoring or questioning our power here. This typically comes from a place of denial or self-doubt. Then we look back later and kick ourselves, saying “I didn’t go with my gut,” or “I almost did that but then I did this instead, I knew I should’ve followed my instincts.” It’s human nature, and often quite wise, to consider different angles, and it’s perfectly normal to make mistakes, but we must learn from them. Other times, our intuitive response feels wrong in the moment. It’s not. Even if it doesn’t make sense right now, it’s guiding you to where you are meant to be. The practice here is to remember that initial feeling, and come back to it rather than dismiss it. Because like many superheroes, the more we nurture our powers, the stronger they grow.
Whether you’re trying to decide whether to order the latte or the cappuccino, or considering the reality that a relationship in your life may no longer be serving your well-being in a healthy and constructive way, she will be there supporting and guiding you. You need not stress, you need not hesitate, you need not question her. She’s speaking to you, and you know, I know, we all know, that deep down, she is right. Next time you sense her presence, do yourself a favor and tune in. All you need to do is listen. Being a woman is already a superpower, so imagine the possibilities once you start trusting and listening to that voice inside. Like a flower emerges from the ground and blooms under the bright warm sun to become the most beautiful, whole, vibrant version of itself, you will emerge from this practice vibing high and living life to your maximum potential.
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